In today's blog, I'll show you how to use node package "qrcode" to generate QR codes.
Nowadays QR codes are used very extensively for payments through UPI, also chat apps like Whatsapp, to track shipping orders.
Step 1: First setup initial workspace by executing following command
npm init -y
Step 2: install qrcode package via npm
npm install --save qrcode
Step 3: Import qrcode package in app.js file
const QRCode = require('qrcode')
Step 4: Create data that you want to convert to QR Code
const dataString = "Sample Data"
Step 5: Now for converting data to QR code, we have multiple methods.
1. toDataURL(text, [options], [cb(error, URL)])
It will return Data URI containing a representation of the QR Code image
const QRCode = require('qrcode')
//Data to be converted to QRcode
const dataString = "Sample Data"
// this method will convert data to base64
QRCode.toDataURL(dataString, function (err, url) {
if(err) throw err
// generated QR code
2. toString(text, [options], [cb(error, string)])
It will return a string representation of the QR Code.
const QRCode = require('qrcode')
//Data to be converted to QRcode
const dataString = "Sample Data"
// this method will convert data to base64
QRCode.toString(dataString, function (err, url) {
if(err) throw err
// generated QR code in string format
There are other methods also like toCanvas(draws qrcode), toFile(save qrcode to image file). you can explore more on qrcode docs.